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Camping in Austria - July 23, 2022

I was awaken at 4:30 by Andras’s alarm. We were planning to send a hike at this time but dusk hadn’t even shown through yet. An hour later we packed up our dossed campsite and wrapped everything in a tarp. We laid the sack under some trees, off to the corner of the campground. there is a 30% expectation of heavy rain and thunder in the afternoon so we must trek fast to not get caught in the middle of it. After eating breakfast and failing to push out a poop we ascent the mountain that was supposedly comparable to Teton. That hit me personally because Teton was a life defining hike that still has a grasp on apart of me. The physical and mental strain of that hike will always traumatize me. We started the climb and looking up i’m worried for all of us. the trail was very narrow, only having enough room for us to walk up single-file with one foot in front of the other. The path was soft dirt covered in leaves and block at various points by collapsed trees. Everything seemed to be going terribly. other than the monumental pain that I was surging through my legs I was feeling robust and I’m incredibly grateful. We made it to a paved road that would lead us up the summit to Dolomitenhütte a cabin lookout. Three-fourth of the way up signs of rain and lighting were approaching and eventually struck us before we could reach the peak. The dense clouds unleashed their wrath and the downfall soaked us within seconds. Thunder roared off the mountaintops, lightning shattered the grey sky, and we were screwed. Thick, heavy droplets poured on top of us right as we were about to reach the top. We hid under a tree which slightly protected us from the rain but made us more vulnerable to the lightning. We needed a plan and we needed one fast. It’s a miracle! coming down the road are two cars. With our hands out and thumbs up we prayed that they’d drive us down the mountain because if not our whole trip could be on the line. The first car stopped quickly as if they were going to tease us. “We can take two” the driver said. We were thankful but unable to accept their offer. the second car, a tesla, seemed more hesitant than the first. breaking and rolling as if they had not made up their minds whether to save us. “Hurry get in!” a man said. No words or glances were exchange between the three of us. I popped open the door and jumped in. Our saviors, an older German couple about the age of my grandparents. They reminded me of my grandparents. Always going out of their way to host and care for people, expecting nothing in return. It is a grandparents love stowed on us.

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